It was 2019 when we decided to embark on a new and exciting family adventure: to open the first climbing centre in Lanzarote.
We had been thinking about doing this for a while but had never found the right location, until we saw a curious advertisement online.
Mandala Nightclub – one of the most popular night clubs in Arrecife – had just closed down. So we went there, had a look at the venue and began to realize we may have found a diamond in the rough.
This was our chance, we could feel it in our bones.
But there was just one question left: would we be able to convert a huge night club in to a climbing centre?
Well, the facts speak for themselves. We did it!
It took several months of hard work, sweat and tears (we also had our fair share of funny moments, to be honest), but we finally managed to build the climbing centre of our dreams.
As the days passed, everything started to take shape. We demolished the dancefloor, removed all the false ceiling, refurbished the bathrooms, reinstalled all the electrics, built a cafeteria and finally we installed the climbing walls – and also did a million other things!
Our aim was to create a safe and pleasant environment where everybody could have a great time, big and small. We had 4 incredible years in this venue, until life brought us to move to a new warehouse at the beginning of 2024 and start all over again.
Today, we are immensely proud to present to you Hang On Lanzarote Climbing Centre 2.0, the perfect place to challenge yourself in a new way.
Are you ready to overcome your limitations? Join us!
Thomas, Gemma, Chili and Felix